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Wednesday 9 December 2020

I'm so disappointed/sad/mad/frustrated!

After spending HOURS on the phone today trying to get access to my website and emails, the techs now tell me it may be impossible to retrieve all the lost emails and impossible to update my website again. And if I mess around with it too much, I could end up losing my whole website altogether! I've spent 100's and 100's of hours building that website!

There is one small chance to download and go through every single page, paragraph and photo to make sure it downloads/uploads properly. And I just don't have that kind of time right now.

This whole day has been wasted and for nothing. 😔

Mary Ann


  1. Let me know if there's any way I can help. I don't have that kind of tech experience, but if there's something I can do, I will!
    -Julie F

  2. Hello, I've been trying to comment, not sure if it was my phone that was having issues commenting or what. So, sorry if this is a multiple!
    That's sounds so frustrating about your website! It kind of actually sounds like you'd be better off rebuilding a whole new website and then transferring the domain name to it. I don't know if you have someone who could do that for you, but if you don't I'd really love to work on it. Sounds like it could be an interesting challenge. I think building a new one would probably make the website a lot more stable for you.
    I know you don't know me, I've just been a long time follower of your kennel and dogs- They're so beautiful. I just have never had the right circumstances to get a dog yet :). Would love to help if you're open to it.

  3. Mary Ann is your email and site accepting messages yet? I sent an email but didn't know if you got it
