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Friday 21 June 2019

The harder it is to get at, the better they like it!

Every day that I work in my office I bring in Gypsy and Tango to keep me company. And so they can learn to settle when required. I always bring in a bone for them to chew or a treat dispensing toy so they can lay quietly and be rewarded for doing so. I have found the harder it is to get at that reward, they more they want it! I wish I had my camera handy right now because all I can see are two puppy butts sticking up from under a stool, which is under a table! The treat dispensing toy rolled under the guest bed (which is still down after having summer visitors). The puppies both crawled under the very low Futon to try and get the toy. It rolled out from under the bed, to under the stool which is under the table right beside the bed. It is hilarious! The harder it is to get at, the more they want it! The antics they are going thru to get at that toy is unbelievable! If I had put that same toy down on the floor, it wouldn't have been nearly as exciting for them. So keep that in mind when you are trying to think of things to keep your mischievous puppy busy while you make dinner. The harder it is to get at, the better they like it!

And just for a chuckle. My original title was "The harder it is, the better they like it!" I thought I best change that one. 🤣

Mary Ann

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