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Wednesday 5 June 2019

People are strange

I met a woman this past weekend who saw a picture of my puppies and insisted that I had glued the puppies ears together over their heads! No matter how many times I tried to tell her that I did not do that, she was sure that I had glued them.

But speaking of ears, there are some things you can do to help them stand up tall and strong. Number one, don't rub them! That will soften them for sure! Things you can do, is supply your puppy with lots of things to chew on. Raw knucklebones, bully sticks, etc. No rawhides! Dogs choke on rawhide and sometimes need abdominal surgery to fix a blockage. So, SAFE chewies!

Another thing you can do is leave them outside at night. Not all night! But in a safe environment or under your supervision for an hour or so. They tend to listen more at night. And that strengthens the muscles that surround the ears on the skull. It's those muscles that will help hold those big ears up nice and straight!

Mary Ann

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