Mr. Blue was purchased by a member of the San Francisco Police Department as a potential Drug/Bomb dog. All training and care had been pre-approved and Mr. Blue was heading down to sunny California until... COVID19 hit and closed the borders. Normally, I put them on a plane and in a few hours, they are in the hands of their new owners. But there are NO airlines taking dogs across the border at this time. I spent months trying to figure out a way to get him down there without having to hand deliver him to San Francisco. At any other time, I would have done that in a heart beat but not when California is a hot spot for COVID. We have just recently given up on getting him down there. So that means one more lucky person will get a Guardian Angel Shepherd puppy.
Mr. Blue was born June 7, 2020. He is courageous and med-high energy. His first instinct is environmental as opposed to social. He must check everything out in his environment before acknowledging strangers. Once he is satisfied with his environment, he enjoys meeting new people. This would make him an ideal drug or bomb dog. He can safely work in public without being distracted. He was second in the pack hierarchy which means he will probably have aspirations of top dog so will require a handler with knowledge of training working dogs. He is inquisitive and loves to retrieve. He walks on leash, rides escalators and elevators with no problem. He is litter box trained which can be transferred to outside areas with ease and is crate trained. He travels very well in vehicles. He understands basic commands and has a superb recall. And, he has already made his debut in the television industry! He's a gorgeous bi-colour with a beautiful masculine head.
If you or someone you know is looking for a non-aggressive working dog, please send them my way. Please pass this along.