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Sunday, 22 January 2012

Well I've just spent the last 1 1/2 hours trying to upload a short video for you but I'm not having any luck.  I gave up trying to put it on the blog and thought I'd be smart and just put it on my You Tube channel.  Turns out I'm not that smart.  That didn't work either.  I haven't given up but I have to take a break for now. 

There's actually two videos.  The first one is recording how I weigh the puppies everyday.  The second video had to be taken because the first one made it look too easy! 

So there you are.  Something to look forward to. 

In the meantime, here's the weights of the puppies.  The first column is birth weight.  Each column is the succeeding day.  The circled weights are ones that I wanted to watch to make sure they were going to increase at a better rate.  And they did.  No need to supplement.

Apparently I have a cut horse, so off I go.  TTYL

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