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Friday, 19 August 2011

My "Other" Life

First time driving! (No woman driver jokes pls!)

This was at a friends place last weekend.  As some of you know, my "other" life is filled with horses.  I ride, train, and give Natural Horsemanship lessons.  I've been doing Natural Horsemanship long before it was the "cool" thing to do.  I'm proud to say that Pat Parelli is a friend of mine.  My late husband's artwork graced many of Pat's early magazines.  Since 1992, my relationship with horses has been nothing short of miraculous.  I'm finally feeling well enough to get back to at least doing groundwork.  I'm not sure if I'll ever have enough balance back to ride again so I was thinking... driving!  I'm always up to learn something new!

As for the dogs, we're waiting (unpatiently) to confirm Isis' pregnancy.  She has a habit of showing very late in her gestation so all we can do is keep our fingers crossed.  Merlin is doing awesome at tracking.  He's graduated from a straight line, very short track (25 metres) to a little longer (45 metres) with a gentle curve.  It's a long process, that's for sure.  To obtain the first tracking title, you need to track at least 450 metres, have up to 5-90 degree turns and the track can age up to an hour before you put your dog on it.  So when I look at that, it will probably take a year before we are ready to try for a title. 

Cruise is on "leave" at the moment.  She is in heat.  She doesn't like it much when I load up the Jeep and she'gets left behind.  She does have her playmate Mystique with her though, so she's not lonely.

Cruise waiting her turn to track.

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