Obedience classes: YES! Dog Parks: NO! (Usually)
Socializing your dog is a really big issue as a puppy. The number one problem I get from both my own puppies and other dogs is leash reactivity. What is leash reactivity? It's when a dog barks and lunges while on leash. It could be caused by seeing another dog, or another person, or maybe a bike or skateboard. People think that taking their dogs to a dog park is socializing their dog. I'm sorry to tell you this but it's FAR from it!
Instead of trying to socialize your dog by taking her to a dog park to run helter-skelter in a mad, crazy undisciplined fashion, take them to an obedience class instead. The only thing a dog park does is reinforce their energized behaviour by allowing them to chase, tackle and generally harass other dogs. OR what is more likely to happen, YOUR dog is harassed, chased and tackled by someone else dog! Don't get me wrong. Your dog should have a chance to run and play with other dogs, but the other dogs should be hand picked by you! A dog park has no rules as to who can come and who should not. Yes, there are unwritten rules, but the ones who should abide by those unwritten rules never do! As a matter of fact, the ones who should not have their dog loose to terrorize other well behaved dogs are the people who like to terrorize other people! I've heard time and time again the owner of an ill-behaved dog will generally snap back at an owner who suggest he puts his bully dog on leash. Bully dog. Bully owner. I know you've seen this before. Everyone has. I just heard a story 2 days ago with one of my own puppy owners who had his 4 month old puppy attacked by another dog when his puppy was on leash!! As a result he had to take the puppy to the vet and put him on antibiotics. When I suggested the owner give the vet bill to the bully dog's owner, he said he'd prefer not to deal with him again considering their encounter already. Bully man accused puppy owner and said it was their fault!!! OMG!!! What kind of dog attacks a 4 month old puppy?? Certainly not one that should be running loose in a dog park! So this is why I don't like dog parks. I know this is all the craze and the dogs love it. Until something like this happens. Now that puppy might be traumatized for life. The next 14 years that puppy might be terrified of strange dogs. And could you blame him?
So, back to leash reactivity. It can be prevented with PROPER socializing. Not dog parks. But supervised puppy classes that allow lots of play time. Note the word "supervised". If your class is one that just lets all puppies loose and allows bully puppies, then ask for a refund and walk away. Supervised play should correct bully behaviour and encourage the wallflowers to come out and play at their discretion. By 6 months of age, playtime no longer is a teaching experience. Their social skills are set by 6 months. So you see how important it is to get them out there, in the correct environment. A properly run puppy class with prevent your puppy from being traumatized and provide a learning environment .
This beautiful puppy is at his first puppy classes and doing wonderfully well! He is under control and totally relaxed. Exactly the way he should be around strange dogs.
If you MUST take your puppy to an off leash park, scope it out first. Leave your dog in the car and see what's going in there. Everyone eventually knows the bully dog(s). If there are any there, go for a jog instead!
I hope this helps everyone.